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Social Assistance and Support Program – Action  (PAAS-Action)

Some people are less fortunate when it comes to employment. They face difficulties that prevent them from undertaking an approach that would promote their socio-professional integration. By implementing this program, MultiCaf is concretizing its commitment to promoting the contribution of as many people as possible to society by encouraging their development and their access to the job market.

The program

The PAAS-Action program aims to promote the progression of people removed from the labor market towards greater socio-professional autonomy, that is to say, possible participation in an active employment measure and, ultimately, labor market integration. These people are not immediately able to participate in an active measure of public employment services due to more or less significant difficulties.

Participants are accompanied in their program by a MultiCaf speaker and by the Center for Educational and Pedagogical Resources (CREP), our continuing education partner.

Through its reception, reference, advice and support services, CREP ensures that students are able to make the choices that suit them.

Objectives to achieve with the participant:

  • Develop favorable skills, attitudes or behaviors in a socio-professional context;

  • Resolve, reduce or learn to better deal with psychosocial difficulties that hinder their development;

  • Achieve a level of socio-professional autonomy allowing them to participate in an active employment measure;

  • Better understand local resources and make better use of them;

  • Expand or create a social support network;

  • Know work incentives;

  • Have a socio-professional project that takes into account their abilities, interests, and available services;

  • Be ready to participate in an active employment measure.

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